* Come to the shoot with your hair ready for the first look. DO NOT get it cut just before
your shoot in case it doesn't turn out right!
* Bring your make-up supplies for touch-ups.
*Fingernails should be clean and groomed and not too long. Polish should be a light color.
*WOMEN: All facial hair should be tweezed, waxed or shaven, and excess arm hair should be waxed.
*MEN: If you would like to start out with an unshaved look, bring your shaving supplies for
your next look.
* Stay out of the sun and tanning salons!
* Get plenty of sleep the night before. Stay off the booze and other influential substances!
It does show on your face. Eat a good meal prior to your shoot. Avoid fats and drink plenty of water.
* Try on all your clothes ahead of time. Make sure they fit well, are cleaned, pressed and
have no missing buttons. Bring colors that look good on you. Black & White are great.
* WOMEN: Make sure your bras go with your tops.
MEN: Bras not required!